
The New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development is dedicated to protecting our workforce, strengthening our businesses, and promoting the dignity of work. View open roles at NJDOL here:
• Labor Market Analyst Trainee – Trenton: https://ow.ly/XyLQ50UnKYk
Apply by: December 13
This position is assigned to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) program unit within the Economic & Demographic Research Division.
Job duties include:
• conducts surveys and studies on labor, economic, and demographic data related to labor market and department programs.
• Performs quality control analyses to determine accuracy, completeness, and conformance to program definitions.
• Collects and analyzes data to identify trends and discrepancies for labor market intelligence and program improvement.
• Review statistical reports to determine accuracy, completeness, and conformance with program definitions.

Click here for more information: https://www.nj.gov/labor/assets/PDFs/Human%20Capital%20Strategies/2024/2024-420.pdf

About New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development

About the Office of Research and Information (ORI):
We are NJ’s premier source for economic, labor market, and demographic data and analysis. We drive innovation by embracing diversity, creative thinking, and collaboration with internal and external stakeholders. ORI’s services and solutions help New Jerseyans – students, jobseekers, business owners, and policy makers alike – make informed, data-driven decisions. Our team is responsible for:
• Developing, analyzing, and disseminating labor market and demographic data.
• Preparing reports for the State and Federal government agencies that fund Labor’s workforce and worker
benefit programs.
• Providing performance measurements, business intelligence, and evaluation services that promote the
continuous improvement of Labor programs.
• Developing user-centric digital tools to guide New Jerseyans’ career planning activities.
• Overseeing the review and approval of New Jersey’s private career schools and maintain the Eligible Training Provider List; and
• Serving as the data backbone for strategic enforcement and compliance activities undertaken by Labor’s worker protection programs